* UPDATED * – 11/27/2023
In Part-2 of this series, we will continue to explore the popular NoSQL databases – Apache Cassandra. Here is the link to the article:
Cassandra Quick Notes :: Part-2
Enjoy 🙂 !!!
Articles | Notes | Tips | Tutorials
* UPDATED * – 11/27/2023
In Part-2 of this series, we will continue to explore the popular NoSQL databases – Apache Cassandra. Here is the link to the article:
Cassandra Quick Notes :: Part-2
Enjoy 🙂 !!!
* UPDATED * – 11/24/2023
In Part-1 of this series, we will introduce one of the popular NoSQL databases – Apache Cassandra. Here is the link to the article:
Cassandra Quick Notes :: Part-1
Enjoy 🙂 !!!
Here is the link to the article introducing Java Persistence API (or JPA for short) in Java:
Quick Introduction to Java Persistence API (JPA)
Enjoy 🙂 !!!
In this article, we will get our hands dirty building JAX-WS based web services using Apache CXF. Here is the link to the article:
JAX-WS WebServices with Apache CXF
Enjoy 🙂 !!!
Here is the link to the article introducing the basics of Java Dynamic Proxy:
Introduction to Java Dynamic Proxy
Enjoy 🙂 !!!
Here is the link to the article introducing Memory Mapped IO in Java:
Enjoy 🙂 !!!
In this article, we will introduce one of the popular Document oriented NoSQL databases – CouchDB. Here is the link to the article:
Enjoy 🙂 !!!
Here is the link to the article exploring the different serialization formats (XML, JSON, Java Serialization and Hessian) and their performance characteristics in Java:
Enjoy 🙂 !!!
Here is the link to the article introducing how one can leverage GPG for secure communication:
Secure Data Communications Using GNU Privacy Guard (GPG)
Enjoy 🙂 !!!