AWS Container and Kubernetes Services - Quick Notes

Bhaskar S 01/01/2024

AWS Elastic Container Service

AWS Elastic Container Service (or ECS) is a fully managed Amazon proprietary container orchestration service that helps one easily deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications.

The following is the summary of the various features/capabilities of ECS:

An ECS Launch Type defines the type of environment to run the ECS tasks on. The following are the two ECS Launch Types:

EC2 Launch Type

Fargate Launch Type


The following are some features on the IAM Roles based on the ECS launch type:

EC2 Launch Type

Fargate Launch Type

NOTE :: IAM task roles are defined in the ECS task definition.

ECS Auto Scaling

The following are some features on the two categories of ECS Auto Scaling:

ECS Service Auto Scaling

ECS Cluster Auto Scaling

For EC2 Launch Type, one needs to define BOTH the ECS service auto scaling AND ECS cluster auto scaling.

Fargate Launch Type ONLY needs the ECS service auto scaling.

ECS Data Volumes

The following are some features on the Data Volumes for ECS:

AWS Elastic Container Registry

AWS Elastic Container Registry (or ECR) is a fully managed Amazon proprietary container image registry service that is secure, scalable, and reliable.

The following are some features on ECR:

AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service

AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (or EKS) is a fully managed open source Kubernetes service for running applications in AWS. It can ALSO be run on-prem using the AWS EKS Distro.

The following are some features on EKS:

AWS App Runner

AWS App Runner is a fully managed Platform as a Service (PaaS) service platform that lets one build, deploy, and run web applications and API services without prior infrastructure or container experience.

The following are some features on App Runner:


Official AWS ECS Documentation

Official AWS ECR Documentation

Official AWS EKS Documentation

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