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AWS Databases - Quick Notes
Bhaskar S | 01/07/2024 |
Amazon Relation Database Service (RDS)
The following is the summary of the various features/capabilities of Relation Database Service:
Is a managed relational database service that makes it easier to set up, operate, and scale in the AWS Cloud
It provides cost-efficient, resizable capacity for an industry-standard relational database and manages common database administration tasks
A DB Instance is an isolated database environment that can contain multiple user-created databases, which can be accessed using the same client tools and applications one might use to access a standalone database instance
Supported databases include MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, AWS Aurora
Useful for applications with UNPREDICTABLE workloads
The following are some details on the features:
Managed Service
Runs on EC2 Instances and one needs to choose the Instance Type
One CANNOT SSH into the EC2 instances since it is managed
Automatic provisioning, patching, and upgrades
Supports continuous backups and point in time restore (to specific timetamp)
Exposes a monitoring dashboard
Support for Read Replicas for improved read performance
Supports Multi Availability Zone setup for disaster recovery (DR)
Maintenance windows for upgrades
Support for both vertical (change the instance type) and horizontal scaling for queries only (using read replicas)
Storage backed by Elastic Block Storage (EBS) (gp3 or io1)
Storage Auto Scaling
Allows one to increase storage on the DB instance dynamically
Will detect if is running out of storage space (based on some threshold) and automatically scale (add more storage space)
Need to set the Maximum Storage Threshold which indicates the maximum capacity for the DB storage
Automatically modify storage if - free storage is less than 10 percent of allocated storage AND low storage condition lasts at least 5 mins AND 6 hours have passed since the last modification
Read Replicas
Allows one to improve the read performance
One can create up to 15 read replicas
The read replicas can be in the same availability zone or cross availability zone OR cross-region
The replication mode is ASYNCHRONOUS between the master DB instance and the read replica DB instances for cross-region
Reads are eventually consistent for cross-region
There is a network cost going from one availability zone to another
For read replicas in the same Region but different availability zone, there is NO network cost
For read replicas in a different Region, there IS a network cost to pay (cross region incurs replication fees)
The read replica(s) will ALWAYS have the same encryption status (encrypted or unencrypted) as the primary DB instance
Multi Availability Zone
SYNCHRONOUS replication from the master DB instance in one availability zone to a standby DB instance in another availability zone in the same Region
There is one DNS name that includes the master DB instance and the standby DB instance
If the master DB instance fails, automatic fail-over to the standby DB instance and it is promoted to be the master
Increases availability
Failover in case of loss of availability zone, loss of network, storage failure
Read replicas CAN be setup as multi availability zone instances
RDS Custom
Only for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server
Allows for the operating system (OS) and database customizations
Configure optimization settings
Install patches
Enable native features
Access the underlying EC2 Instance using SSH
The following are the supported Backup Types:
Automated DB Backups
Choose a Backup window or RDS will choose one
Daily full backup (during the backup window) taken as Snapshots
Transaction Logs backed every 5 mins
Can easily restore to any point in time (oldest backup 5 mins ago)
Retention period for backup between 1 to 35 days. Setting to 0 means automatic backup OFF
Manual DB Snapshots
Manually triggered by the user
No Retention period limit and can exist as long as one wants
For a single availability zone DB instance there will be a brief suspension of I/O (will effect production applications)
For a multi availability zone Microsoft SQL Server, there is a brief suspension of I/O on the primary DB instance
For a multi availability zone MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, and Oracle, the snapshots are ALWAYS taken from the standby (hence no I/O suspension)
Restoring a backup (from a snapshot) ALWAYS creates a new DB instance
To migrate from a single availability zone to a multi availability zone - a DB instance snapshot needs to be taken, a new DB instance in another availability zone needs to be restored from the snapshot and finally synchronous replication enabled
To optimize cost, when stopping a DB for a long period (one will pay for storage irrespective), it would be more cost effective to take a snapshot, delete the storage, and later restore the DB instance from the snapshot
To create an encrypted DB instance from an unencrypted DB instance, take a snapshot from the unencrypted DB instance, then COPY the snapshot to an encrypted snapshot, and finally use the encrypted snapshot to restore a new encrypted DB instance
Amazon Aurora
The following is the summary of the various features/capabilities of Aurora:
Is a fully managed proprietary relational database engine that is compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL
Is optimized for the cloud with 5x performance improvements over MySQL and 3x performance improvements over PostgreSQL
Features a distributed, fault tolerant, self-healing storage that automatically grows in increments of 10 GB up to 128 TB
Can have up to 15 replicas and the replication is faster that MySQL or PostgreSQL (less than 10 ms replica lag)
Failover is instantaneous since High Availability (HA) is built-in natively
Costs 20 percent more than RDS but is more efficient
The following are some details on the features:
High Availability
Stores 6 copies of data across 3 availability zones
One of the instances is the Primary (master) and handles the writes to all the 3 availability zones
If the primary fails, one of the replicas will be promoted as primary and the failover happens in less than 30 secs
Self-healing with peer-to-peer replication
Storage is striped across 100s of volumes
Auto scaling of replicas
Support for cross-region replication
DB Cluster
Consists of one or more DB instances and a cluster volume that manages the data for those DB instances
A Cluster Volume is a virtual database storage volume that spans 3 availability zones, with each availability zone having 2 copies of the DB cluster data
A Cluster Endpoint (or Writer Endpoint) connects to the current primary DB writer instance for that DB cluster for performing writes
A Reader Endpoint provides load-balancing support for read-only connections to a DB reader instance for performing queries
Support for Backtracking which quickly lets one rewind the DB cluster to a specific point in time
Global Database
One primary Region for read/write
Up to 5 replica secondary Regions with replication lag less than 1 sec (cross-region replication takes less than 1 sec)
Up to 15 replicas per secondary Region
Promoting another Region as primary has an RTO of less than 1 min
DB Cloning
Create a new DB cluster from an existing one
Much FASTER than snapshot and restore
Uses copy-on-write protocol (initially the new DB cluster uses the same data volume as the existing DB cluster. When updates are made to the new DB cluster only then additional storage is allocated and the data is copied over)
Very cost effective
Serverless Option
On-demand auto scaling configuration
Does not support read replicas
No public IPs exposed
Can only be accessed through VPC or Direct Connect
The following are the supported Backup Types:
Automated DB Backups
Retention period for backup between 1 to 35 days and CANNOT be disabled
Point in time to any point in the timeframe
Manual DB Snapshots
Manually triggered by the user
No Retention period limit and can exist as long as one wants
Amazon RDS Proxy
The following is the summary of the various features/capabilities of RDS Proxy:
Fully managed database proxy for RDS
Serverless, auto scaled, highly available in multiple availability zones
Allows a client application to pool and share database connections to improve their ability to scale
Helps increase scalability, fault tolerance, and security for connections to the RDS DB instance
Makes applications more resilient to database failures by automatically connecting to a standby DB instance while preserving application connections
By pooling DB connections, avoids the memory and CPU overhead of opening a new DB connection each time
One can enforce IAM authentication for databases and securely store credentials in AWS Secrets Manager
Support for MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, Aurora
Never publicly accessible and can be accessed ONLY from a customers VPC
Amazon ElasticCache
The following is the summary of the various features/capabilities of ElasticCache:
Is a managed service that makes it easy to set up, manage, and scale a distributed in-memory key-value data store or cache environment in the AWS cloud
Provides a high performance, low-latency, resizable, and cost-effective in-memory cache
Supports both the Redis and Memcached engines
Helps reduce load off RDS databases for read intensive workloads
Relieves the customer of setup, maintenance, patching, upgrades, configuration, optimizations, monitoring, failover recovery, and backups
Runs on EC2 Instances and one needs to choose the Instance Type
Useful for storing web session state, leaderboards (Redis only)
The following are some details on the two supported engines:
Multi availability zone with auto failover
Read replicas to scale and have high availability
Backup (automatic and manual) and restore features
Support for data persistence
Supports Sets and Sorted Sets
Support for IAM Authentication
Support for SSL/TLS for in-transit encryption
Multi node for partitioning data (sharding)
No high availability (no fail-over, no replication)
No Backup and restore features
No support for IAM Authentication
No support for data encryption
Multi threaded architecture
Amazon DynamoDB
The following is the summary of the various features/capabilities of DynamoDB:
Is a fully managed, serverless, NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability
Is automatically replicated across multiple availability zones in a Region (synchronous) thus providing built-in high availability and data durability
Is a key-value and document type NoSQL database with transaction support
Can support strong consistency or eventual consistency
Scales to massive workloads as it is a distributed database
Can handle millions of requests per sec
Can store trillions of rows with 100s of TB of storage
Fast and consistent single digit millisec performance
Integrated with IAM for security and authorization
Low cost and has auto-scaling capabilities
No maintenance or patching and is always available
Two types of table classes - Standard and Infrequently Access
Is made of Tables with Items (similar to rows), which in turn is made up of Attributes
Each table can have an infinite number of Items (similar to rows)
Each Item has many Attributes (similar to columns)
Flexible table schema that can evolve over time meaning the attributes can be null and can be added over time
Each table has a Partition Key and optional Sort Key to form the Primary Key which MUST be decided at the creation time
Maximum size of an Item is 400 KB
Supported data types - scalar (string, number, boolean, binary, null), document types (list, map), set types (string set, number set, binary set)
An item can have an associated Time-to-Live (TTL) and they are automatically delete after an expiration period
The following are the two Capacity Modes for Read and Write:
Provisioned Mode (default)
One needs to plan the capacity beforehand
One needs to specify the number of reads and writes per sec
Pay for provisioned Read Capacity Units (RCU) and Write Capacity Units (WCU)
Possible to add capacity using auto-scaling mode for RCU and WCU
Useful for predictable workloads and cost-effective
On-Demand Mode
No capacity planning needed
The reads and writes capacity automatically scales up and down with the workload
Pay for the usage and can be more expensive
Useful for unpredictable bursty workloads
The following are the two type of Backups supported:
Support for point-in-time recovery (with per second granularity)
Optionally enabled for the last 35 days (backup window)
Recovery process creates a new table
Full backups for long-term retention, until explicitly deleted
Does not effect the performance or latency
Can use the AWS Backup for a managed service (enables cross-region copy)
Recovery process creates a new table
The following are some details on the other features:
DynamoDB Streams
Captures a time-ordered stream of item-level modifications (create/update/delete) into a table
Useful for inserting into another table, for cross-region replication, for invoking a Lambda function
24 hour retention
Can have a limited number of consumers
Process using Lambda functions or Kinesis Client Library (KCL)
DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)
Is a fully managed, highly available, seemless in-memory cache for DynamoDB
Can be a read-through and a write-through cache
Helps solve the read and write performance by caching items
Improves performance from millisecs to microsecs latency with cached data
No changes to the application using DynamoDB (sits in front of the application)
Need to set IAM policy for DAX to access DynamoDB
Has a default TTL of 5 mins
DynamoDB Global Tables
Fully managed multi region, multi master (or multi active)
One MUST enable DynamoDB Streams before enabling this option
Replicated across multiple Regions with two-way asynchronous Replication using DynamoDB Streams
Allows one to access a table with low-latency in multiple Regions
Is an Multi Active replication meaning one can perform read and write operations in any Region
DynamoDB Integration with S3
One can export a table to S3 with point-in-time recovery
The exported format can be JSON or ION
One can also import from S3 to a table
The imported format can be CSV, JSON, or ION
Amazon Redshift
The following is the summary of the various features/capabilities of Redshift:
Is a fast, fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service that makes it simple and cost-effective to efficiently analyze customer data using their existing business intelligence tools
Is optimized for datasets ranging from a few hundred gigabytes to a petabyte or more, has 10x better performance, and costs a tenth of most traditional data warehousing solutions
Based on PostgreSQL and uses a columnar storage with parallel query engine
Uses the industry standard SQL to perform very complex queries
Uses EC2 Instances and hence must choose the Instance Type
Pay as you go based on the EC2 Instances provisioned
Maintains 3 copies of the data
Has a Leader Node and one or more Compute Nodes
Leader Node is for query planning and result aggregation
Compute Nodes for performing the actual queries and sending results back to the Leader Node
Can be run in single availability zone OR multi availability zone modes
Can take a point-in-time backup as snapshots which are stored in AWS S3
Snapshots are incremental meaning will only save what has changed from the previous snapshot
Automatic snapshots are scheduled for every 8 hours or after every 5 GB or on a customer schedule
Can configure the retention of the automated snapshots
Users can trigger a manual snapshot and can be retained for as long as the user wishes
Snapshots can be automatically copied to another Region for disaster recovery
One can leverage Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose or S3 Copy to ingest data into the data warehouse
One can use Redshit Spectrum to access data from S3 directly without loading into the data warehouse
Official AWS RDS Documentation
Official AWS Aurora Documentation
Official AWS RDS Proxy Documentation
Official AWS Redis ElasticCache Documentation
Official AWS Memcached ElasticCache Documentation