AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) - Quick Notes

Bhaskar S 12/16/2023

AWS Elastic Load Balancing

AWS Elastic Load Balancing, also referred to as ELB, is a cloud service automatically distributes the incoming traffic across multiple targets, such as EC2 instances, containers, and IP addresses, in one or more Availability Zones. It monitors the health of its registered targets and routes traffic only to the healthy targets.

The following is the summary of the various features/capabilities of ELB:

ELB supports the following types of Load Balancers:

Application Load Balancer (ALB)

Network Load Balancer (NLB)

Gateway Load Balancer (GWLB)

Classic Load Balancer (CLB)

EC2 Auto Scaling

EC2 Auto Scaling helps ensure that the correct number of EC2 Instances available to handle the needs of the application.

The following are some of the features:

Scaling Policies

Scaling is the ability to increase or decrease the compute capacity of the application. Scaling starts with an scaling trigger, which instructs an Auto Scaling Group to either launch or terminate EC2 Instances.

The following are the four types of Scaling Policies:




Scales the capacity of the Auto Scaling Group based on changes to the application traffic.

The following are the three types of Dynamic Scaling Policies:


Sticky Sessions

A Sticky Session (also known as Session Affinity) implies that traffic from the same client should be consistently routed to the same target EC2 Instance. This option can be enabled either for the Application Load Balancer or the Classic Load Balancer. Sticky Session can be achieved using a HTTP Cookie, which can be generated either by the Load Balancer or the application.

The following are the two cases:

Load Balancer generated Cookie

Application generated Cookie

Cross-Zone Load Balancing

By default, each Load Balancer instance distributes traffic across the registered targets in its Availability Zone only. If the Cross-Zone Load Balancing option is enabled, then each of the load balancer instances will evenly distribute the traffic across the registered targets in all enabled Availability Zones.

The following is the summary of the features:


Official AWS ELB Documentation

Application Load Balancer

Network Load Balancer

Gateway Load Balancer

EC2 Auto Scaling

Sticky Sessions

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