PolarSPARC |
Hands-on MongoDB :: Part-3
Bhaskar S | 02/06/2021 (NEW) |
In Part-1, we setup the high-availability 3-node cluster using Docker and got our hands dirty with MongoDB by using the mongo command-line interface.
In Part-2, we got to demonstrate the same set of operations on MongoDB using the programming language drivers for Java and Python.
Currently, a majority of Enterprise Java applications are developed using Spring Boot. In this article, we will demonstrate the same set of operations on MongoDB using Spring Boot with Java.
Hands-on with MongoDB using Spring Boot
To setup the Java directory structure for the demonstrations, execute the following commands:
$ cd $HOME
$ mkdir -p java/springboot/mongodb
$ cd $HOME/java/springboot/mongodb
$ mkdir -p src/main/java src/main/resources target
$ mkdir -p src/main/java/com/polarsparc/mongodb
$ mkdir -p src/main/java/com/polarsparc/mongodb/dao src/main/java/com/polarsparc/mongodb/dao/impl
$ mkdir -p src/main/java/com/polarsparc/mongodb/model
$ mkdir -p src/main/java/com/polarsparc/mongodb/repository
$ mkdir -p src/main/java/com/polarsparc/mongodb/service src/main/java/com/polarsparc/mongodb/service/impl
$ mkdir -p src/main/java/com/polarsparc/mongodb/util
For the Spring Boot based demonstration, we will leverage Maven to manage the build as well as the package dependencies.
The following is the Maven pom.xml file located in the directory $HOME/java/mongodb:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 https://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd"> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <parent> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-parent</artifactId> <version>2.4.2</version> <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository --> </parent> <groupId>com.polarsparc</groupId> <artifactId>mongodb</artifactId> <version>1.0</version> <name>mongodb</name> <description>MongoDB with Spring Boot</description> <properties> <java.version>11</java.version> </properties> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.projectlombok</groupId> <artifactId>lombok</artifactId> <optional>true</optional> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-test</artifactId> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> </dependencies> <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-maven-plugin</artifactId> </plugin> </plugins> </build> </project>
The following are the contents of the Spring Boot application properties file called application.properties, which defines the logging level and the MongoDB primary node url:
# # @Author: Bhaskar S # @Blog: https://www.polarsparc.com # @Date: 06 Feb 2021 # logging.level.root=INFO spring.data.mongodb.uri=mongodb://
Each contact document has embedded within it an email sub-document and a mobile sub-document. We will represent each of the sub-documents and the main document as Java POJOs located in the directory src/main/java/com/polarsparc/mongodb/model.
The following are the contents of the Java POJO Email.java that represents the email sub-document:
/* @Author: Bhaskar S @Blog: https://www.polarsparc.com @Date: 06 Feb 2021 */ package com.polarsparc.mongodb.model; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.NoArgsConstructor; import lombok.Setter; import lombok.ToString; @Getter @Setter @NoArgsConstructor @ToString public class Email { private String personal; private String work; }
We use the popular Java library from Project Lombok to minimize the boilerplate code for constructors, getters, setters, and toString methods
The following are brief descriptions for some of the annotations used in the code segment above:
@Getter :: generates the accessor method(s) for all the member fields of the class
@Setter :: generates the mutator method(s) for all the member fields of the class
@NoArgsConstructor :: generates the default no-argumnent constructor for the class
@ToString :: generates the toString() method for the class that includes all the member fields of the class
The following are the contents of the Java POJO Mobile.java that represents the mobile sub-document:
/* @Author: Bhaskar S @Blog: https://www.polarsparc.com @Date: 06 Feb 2021 */ package com.polarsparc.mongodb.model; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.NoArgsConstructor; import lombok.Setter; import lombok.ToString; @Getter @Setter @NoArgsConstructor @ToString public class Mobile { private String personal; private String work; }
The following are the contents of the Java POJO Contact.java that represents the main document contact:
/* @Author: Bhaskar S @Blog: https://www.polarsparc.com @Date: 06 Feb 2021 */ package com.polarsparc.mongodb.model; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.NoArgsConstructor; import lombok.Setter; import lombok.ToString; import org.springframework.data.annotation.Id; import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.mapping.Document; import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.mapping.Field; @Document(collection = "contacts") @Getter @Setter @NoArgsConstructor @ToString public class Contact { @Id private String _id; @Field("first") private String firstName; @Field("middle") private String middleName; @Field("last") private String lastName; private Email email; private Mobile mobile; }
The following are brief descriptions for some of the annotations used in the code segment above:
@Document :: indicates the class as being the representation for a document that is to be persisted to the MongoDB collection called contacts
@Id :: indicates the field member in the class as a representation for the primary key _id of the MongoDB document
@Field :: indicates the name of a field to use when persisting the MongoDB document. If this annotation is not used, then the field name in the MongoDB document will default to the name of class field member
The following are the contents of the Java utility class called ContactFactory.java which allows us to create instances of the Java POJOs Mobile and Contact and is located in the directory src/main/java/com/polarsparc/mongodb/util:
/* @Author: Bhaskar S @Blog: https://www.polarsparc.com @Date: 06 Feb 2021 */ package com.polarsparc.mongodb.util; import com.polarsparc.mongodb.model.Contact; import com.polarsparc.mongodb.model.Email; import com.polarsparc.mongodb.model.Mobile; public class ContactFactory { public static Contact createAliceThompson() { // db.contacts.insert({ first: "Alice", last: "Thompson", // email: { personal: "alice.t@home.io", work: "alice.thompson@work.net" }, // mobile: { personal: "123 456 7890" } }) Email email = new Email(); email.setPersonal("alice.t@home.io"); email.setWork("alice.thompson@work.net"); Mobile mobile = new Mobile(); mobile.setPersonal("123 456 7890"); Contact contact = new Contact(); contact.setFirstName("Alice"); contact.setLastName("Thompson"); contact.setEmail(email); contact.setMobile(mobile); return contact; } public static Contact createBobJones() { // db.contacts.insertOne({ first: "Bob", last: "Jones", // email: { work: "bobj@doktor.net" }, // mobile: { work: "234 567 8901" } }) Email email = new Email(); email.setWork("bobj@doktor.net"); Mobile mobile = new Mobile(); mobile.setWork("234 567 8901"); Contact contact = new Contact(); contact.setFirstName("Bob"); contact.setLastName("Jones"); contact.setEmail(email); contact.setMobile(mobile); return contact; } public static Contact createCharlieLee() { // db.contacts.insertOne({ first: "Charlie", last: "Lee", // email: { personal: "cl3000@ranch.net" } }) Email email = new Email(); email.setPersonal("cl3000@ranch.net"); Contact contact = new Contact(); contact.setFirstName("Charlie"); contact.setLastName("Lee"); contact.setEmail(email); return contact; } public static Mobile createCharlieMobile() { Mobile mobile = new Mobile(); mobile.setPersonal("678 901 2345"); return mobile; } public static Contact createEveParker() { // db.contacts.insert({ first: "Eve", middle: "Jo", last: "Parker", // email: { work: "ej_parker@awesome.org" }, // mobile: { personal: "345 678 9012" } }) Email email = new Email(); email.setWork("ej_parker@awesome.org"); Mobile mobile = new Mobile(); mobile.setPersonal("345 678 9012"); Contact contact = new Contact(); contact.setFirstName("Eve"); contact.setMiddleName("Jo"); contact.setLastName("Parker"); contact.setEmail(email); contact.setMobile(mobile); return contact; } public static Contact createFrankSmith() { // db.contacts.insert({ first: "Frank", last: "Smith", // email: { personal: "frank45@root.org", work: "frank.smith@excellent.net" }, // mobile: { personal: "456 789 0123", work: "567 890 1234" } }) Email email = new Email(); email.setPersonal("frank45@root.org"); email.setWork("frank.smith@excellent.net"); Mobile mobile = new Mobile(); mobile.setPersonal("456 789 0123"); mobile.setWork("567 890 1234"); Contact contact = new Contact(); contact.setFirstName("Frank"); contact.setLastName("Smith"); contact.setEmail(email); contact.setMobile(mobile); return contact; } public static Contact createFrankCooper() { // db.contacts.insertOne({ first: "Frank", last: "Cooper", // email: { personal: "frankc@runner.org" } }) Email email = new Email(); email.setPersonal("frankc@runner.org"); Contact contact = new Contact(); contact.setFirstName("Frank"); contact.setLastName("Cooper"); contact.setEmail(email); return contact; } public static Contact createGeorgeBaker() { // db.contacts.update({ first: "George" }, { first: "George", last: "Baker", // email: { work: "g_baker@crap.org" }, // mobile: { work: "789 012 3456" } }) Email email = new Email(); email.setWork("g_baker@crap.org"); Mobile mobile = new Mobile(); mobile.setWork("789 012 3456"); Contact contact = new Contact(); contact.setFirstName("George"); contact.setLastName("Baker"); contact.setEmail(email); contact.setMobile(mobile); return contact; } }
The following are the contents of the Java service interface called ContactsService.java which defines the different groups of CRUD operations on the MongoDB collection contacts and is located in the directory src/main/java/com/polarsparc/mongodb/service:
/* @Author: Bhaskar S @Blog: https://www.polarsparc.com @Date: 06 Feb 2021 */ package com.polarsparc.mongodb.service; public interface ContactsService { void insertContactAndCheck(); void insertFiveContacts(); void queryContacts(); void updateContacts(); void removeAndDropContacts(); }
There are two ways to interact with MongoDB database in Spring Boot which are as follows:
MongoTemplate :: defined in org.springframework.data.mongodb.core , it provides a bit more finer-grained and richer feature set for interacting with the database, especially for executing complex queries. In particular, it implements methods that mimic those available on the MongoDB Java driver
MongoRepository :: defined in org.springframework.data.mongodb.repository , it is a higher-level abstraction with the goal to significantly reduce the amount of boilerplate code required to implement the various CRUD operations on the MongoDB database. In other words, it is more business domain focused and does NOT provide any lower database primitives
We will demonstrate the same set of operations on MongoDB using both the approaches.
Using MongoTemplate
The following are the contents of the Java DAO interface called ContactsDAO.java which defines all the database CRUD operations on the MongoDB collection contacts and is located in the directory src/main/java/com/polarsparc/mongodb/dao:
/* @Author: Bhaskar S @Blog: https://www.polarsparc.com @Date: 06 Feb 2021 */ package com.polarsparc.mongodb.dao; import com.polarsparc.mongodb.model.Contact; import com.polarsparc.mongodb.model.Mobile; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; public interface ContactsDAO { Set<String> getCollections(); long getDocumentsCount(); void addContact(Contact contact); void addContacts(List<Contact> contacts); List<Contact> findAll(); List<Contact> findByFirstName(String fn); List<Contact> findByFirstAndLastName(String fn, String ln); List<Contact> findByWorkEmail(String we); List<Contact> findFirstLastPersonalMobile(); List<Contact> findFirstLastPersonalMobileWithLimits(int limit); void updateContactMobile(String fn, Mobile mobile); void upsertContact(Contact contact); void removeByFirstName(String fn); void removeAll(); void dropContacts(); }
The following are the contents of the Java DAO implementation called ContactsDAOImpl.java that uses MongoTemplate to implement all the methods on the interface ContactsDAO and is located in the directory src/main/java/com/polarsparc/mongodb/dao/impl:
/* @Author: Bhaskar S @Blog: https://www.polarsparc.com @Date: 06 Feb 2021 */ package com.polarsparc.mongodb.dao.impl; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import com.polarsparc.mongodb.model.Mobile; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.MongoTemplate; import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.query.Criteria; import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.query.Query; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import com.polarsparc.mongodb.dao.ContactsDAO; import com.polarsparc.mongodb.model.Contact; @Repository("ContactsDAO") public class ContactsDAOImpl implements ContactsDAO { private MongoTemplate template; @Autowired public void setTemplate(MongoTemplate template) { this.template = template; } @Override public Set<String> getCollections() { return template.getCollectionNames(); } @Override public long getDocumentsCount() { return template.count(new Query(), "contacts"); } @Override public void addContact(Contact contact) { template.insert(contact); } @Override public void addContacts(List<Contact> contacts) { template.insertAll(contacts); } @Override public List<Contact> findAll() { return template.findAll(Contact.class); } @Override public List<Contact> findByFirstName(String fn) { Query query = new Query(); query.addCriteria(Criteria.where("first").is(fn)); return template.find(query, Contact.class); } @Override public List<Contact> findByFirstAndLastName(String fn, String ln) { Query query = new Query(); query.addCriteria(new Criteria().andOperator( Criteria.where("first").is(fn), Criteria.where("last").is(ln))); return template.find(query, Contact.class); } @Override public List<Contact> findByWorkEmail(String we) { Query query = new Query(); query.addCriteria(Criteria.where("email.work").is(we)); return template.find(query, Contact.class); } @Override public List<Contact> findFirstLastPersonalMobile() { Query query = new Query(); query.fields().include("first", "last", "mobile.personal"); return template.find(query, Contact.class); } @Override public List<Contact> findFirstLastPersonalMobileWithLimits(int limit) { Query query = new Query(); query.fields().include("first", "last", "mobile.personal"); query.limit(limit); return template.find(query, Contact.class); } @Override public void updateContactMobile(String fn, Mobile mobile) { Query query = new Query(); query.addCriteria(Criteria.where("first").is(fn)); Contact res = template.findOne(query, Contact.class); if (res != null) { res.setMobile(mobile); template.save(res); } } @Override public void upsertContact(Contact contact) { template.save(contact); } @Override public void removeByFirstName(String fn) { Query query = new Query(); query.addCriteria(Criteria.where("first").is(fn)); template.remove(query, Contact.class); } @Override public void removeAll() { template.remove(new Query(), "contacts"); } @Override public void dropContacts() { template.dropCollection("contacts"); } }
The following are brief descriptions for some of the annotation(s)/class(es)/method(s) used in the code segment above:
@Repository :: a class level annotation which indicates the POJO as an application component (or bean) that is used for database persistence. The argument in parenthesis is used to register this POJO under the specified name in the Spring Boot container
@Autowired :: a method level annotation which indicates to the Spring Boot container to automatically inject (or auto wire) a reference to an instance of a bean of type that is similar to that of the method parameter
getCollectionNames() :: method on the MongoTemplate interface to get the list of all the collections in the database
Query :: defined in org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.query, is used for defining the database query filter. An empty instance new Query() matches all the documents in the collection
count(filter, collection) :: method on the MongoTemplate interface to return the count of all the documents in the specified collection
insert(pojo) :: method on the MongoTemplate interface to insert the specified instance of the POJO as a document into the collection
insertAll(list-of-pojo) :: method on the MongoTemplate interface to insert the specified list of POJOs as documents into the collection
findAll(pojo-class) :: method on the MongoTemplate interface that returns a collection of POJOs (of the specified pojo-class type) which represents all the documents in the collection
Criteria :: defined in org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.query, provides various static factory methods for defining the database query filter criteria
Criteria.where(field-name).is(value) :: creates a filter criteria that matches all documents where the value of the specified field-name equals the specified value
addCriteria(list-of-criteria) :: creates a filter that is a logical AND of the specified list of filter criterias
fields() :: creates a placeholder in the query filter for specifying the desired fields
include(list-of-fields) :: adds the specified list of fields to be returned from the query result
exclude(field-name) :: indicates the specified field-name be excluded from the query result
limit(int) :: method on the Query object to limit the number of documents returned from the collection
find(query, pojo-class) :: method on the MongoTemplate interface that returns a collection of POJOs (of the specified pojo-class type) which matches the specified query criteria on all the documents in the collection
save(pojo) :: method on the MongoTemplate interface that updates the document in the collection corresponding to the specified POJO (if the document exists) or inserts a new document into the collection for the specified POJO.. This is basically an upsert operation
remove(query, pojo-class) :: method on the MongoTemplate interface that removes all the documents from the collection (corresponding to the specified pojo-class type) which matches the specified query criteria
remove(query, collection) :: method on the MongoTemplate interface that removes all the documents from the specified collection which matches the specified query criteria
dropCollection(collection) :: drops the specified collection from the database
The following are the contents of the Java class called ContactsServiceOneImpl.java that uses the Java DAO implementation ContactsDAOImpl (via auto-wired dependency injection), implements the Java interface ContactsService, and is located in the directory src/main/java/com/polarsparc/mongodb/service/impl:
/* @Author: Bhaskar S @Blog: https://www.polarsparc.com @Date: 06 Feb 2021 */ package com.polarsparc.mongodb.service.impl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import com.polarsparc.mongodb.dao.ContactsDAO; import com.polarsparc.mongodb.model.Contact; import com.polarsparc.mongodb.util.ContactFactory; import com.polarsparc.mongodb.service.ContactsService; @Service("ContactsServiceOne") public class ContactsServiceOneImpl implements ContactsService { private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ContactsServiceOneImpl.class.getName()); private ContactsDAO DAO; @Autowired public void setDAO(@Qualifier("ContactsDAO") ContactsDAO dao) { this.DAO = dao; } @Override public void insertContactAndCheck() { LOGGER.info(String.format("List all collections: %s", DAO.getCollections())); LOGGER.info("Adding document for Alice"); DAO.addContact(ContactFactory.createAliceThompson()); LOGGER.info(String.format("List all collections: %s", DAO.getCollections())); LOGGER.info(String.format("Count of documents: %d", DAO.getDocumentsCount())); LOGGER.info("Querying all documents in contacts"); DAO.findAll().forEach(c -> LOGGER.info(c.toString())); } @Override public void insertFiveContacts() { LOGGER.info("Adding five new documents in contacts"); DAO.addContact(ContactFactory.createBobJones()); DAO.addContact(ContactFactory.createCharlieLee()); List<Contact> contacts = new ArrayList<>(); contacts.add(ContactFactory.createEveParker()); contacts.add(ContactFactory.createFrankSmith()); contacts.add(ContactFactory.createFrankCooper()); DAO.addContacts(contacts); LOGGER.info(String.format("Count of documents: %d", DAO.getDocumentsCount())); } @Override public void queryContacts() { LOGGER.info("Querying all documents in contacts"); DAO.findAll().forEach(c -> LOGGER.info(c.toString())); LOGGER.info("Querying documents by first: Bob"); DAO.findByFirstName("Bob").forEach(c -> LOGGER.info(c.toString())); LOGGER.info("Querying documents by first: Charlie, last: Lee"); DAO.findByFirstAndLastName("Charlie", "Lee").forEach(c -> LOGGER.info(c.toString())); LOGGER.info("Querying documents by first: Frank"); DAO.findByFirstName("Frank").forEach(c -> LOGGER.info(c.toString())); LOGGER.info("Querying documents by email.work: bobj@doktor.net"); DAO.findByWorkEmail("bobj@doktor.net").forEach(c -> LOGGER.info(c.toString())); LOGGER.info("Querying documents for first, last, mobile.personal"); DAO.findFirstLastPersonalMobile().forEach(c -> LOGGER.info(c.toString())); LOGGER.info("Querying documents for first, last, mobile.personal (with limit of 3)"); DAO.findFirstLastPersonalMobileWithLimits(3).forEach(c -> LOGGER.info(c.toString())); } @Override public void updateContacts() { LOGGER.info("Updating document for Charlie [adding mobile]"); DAO.updateContactMobile("Charlie", ContactFactory.createCharlieMobile()); LOGGER.info("Document for Charlie [after update]"); DAO.findByFirstName("Charlie").forEach(c -> LOGGER.info(c.toString())); LOGGER.info("Upsert document for George in the collection contacts"); DAO.upsertContact(ContactFactory.createGeorgeBaker()); LOGGER.info("Document for George [after upsert]"); DAO.findByFirstName("George").forEach(c -> LOGGER.info(c.toString())); } @Override public void removeAndDropContacts() { LOGGER.info("Removing document for Bob"); DAO.removeByFirstName("Bob"); LOGGER.info("Querying documents after delete of Bob"); DAO.findAll().forEach(c -> LOGGER.info(c.toString())); LOGGER.info("Removing all documents in contacts"); DAO.removeAll(); LOGGER.info(String.format("Count of documents: %d", DAO.getDocumentsCount())); LOGGER.info("Dropping contacts"); DAO.dropContacts(); LOGGER.info(String.format("List all collections: %s", DAO.getCollections())); } }
The following are brief descriptions for some of the annotation(s) used in the code segment above:
@Service :: a class level annotation which indicates the POJO as an application component (or bean) that is used as a service layer component. The argument in parenthesis is used to register this POJO under the specified name in the Spring Boot container
@Qualifier :: indicates the name of the application component (or bean) from the Spring Boot container that needs to be automatically injected (or auto wire) into this variable. The bean name here must match the name from @Repository we defined earlier in ContactsDAOImpl
The following are the contents of the Spring Boot application program called MongodbApplication.java that performs all the operations we executed through the command-line interface in Part-1:
/* @Author: Bhaskar S @Blog: https://www.polarsparc.com @Date: 06 Feb 2021 */ package com.polarsparc.mongodb; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner; import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication; import com.polarsparc.mongodb.service.ContactsService; @SpringBootApplication public class MongodbApplication implements CommandLineRunner { private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MongodbApplication.class.getName()); private ContactsService serviceOne; @Autowired public void setServiceOne(@Qualifier("ContactsServiceOne") ContactsService serviceOne) { this.serviceOne = serviceOne; } @Value("${mongo.run.option}") private String option; public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(MongodbApplication.class, args); } @Override public void run(String... strings) { LOGGER.info(String.format("Value of option: %s", option)); if (option.equals("T")) { runOptionOne(); } } void runOptionOne() { LOGGER.info("---------- Running MongoDB operations using Template ----------"); serviceOne.insertContactAndCheck(); serviceOne.insertFiveContacts(); serviceOne.queryContacts(); serviceOne.updateContacts(); serviceOne.removeAndDropContacts(); } }
Ensure the MongoDB cluster is up and running and mongodb-n1 is the primary. Open a terminal window and execute the following commands:
$ cd $HOME/java/springboot/mongodb
$ mvn spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.arguments="--mongo.run.option=T"
The following will be the typical output:
2021-02-07 12:38:12.680 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.polarsparc.mongodb.MongodbApplication : Starting MongodbApplication using Java 15.0.2 on polarsparc with PID 10966 (/home/polarsparc/java/springboot/mongodb/target/classes started by polarsparc in /home/polarsparc/java/springboot/mongodb) 2021-02-07 12:38:12.682 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.polarsparc.mongodb.MongodbApplication : No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default 2021-02-07 12:38:12.948 INFO 10966 --- [ main] .s.d.r.c.RepositoryConfigurationDelegate : Bootstrapping Spring Data MongoDB repositories in DEFAULT mode. 2021-02-07 12:38:12.979 INFO 10966 --- [ main] .s.d.r.c.RepositoryConfigurationDelegate : Finished Spring Data repository scanning in 28 ms. Found 1 MongoDB repository interfaces. 2021-02-07 12:38:13.151 INFO 10966 --- [ main] org.mongodb.driver.cluster : Cluster created with settings {hosts=[], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms'} 2021-02-07 12:38:13.196 INFO 10966 --- [] org.mongodb.driver.connection : Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:2, serverValue:33}] to 2021-02-07 12:38:13.196 INFO 10966 --- [] org.mongodb.driver.connection : Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:1, serverValue:34}] to 2021-02-07 12:38:13.199 INFO 10966 --- [] org.mongodb.driver.cluster : Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=, type=REPLICA_SET_PRIMARY, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=9, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=30, roundTripTimeNanos=13293551, setName='mongodb-rs', canonicalAddress=mongodb-n1:5001, hosts=[mongodb-n3:5003, mongodb-n1:5001, mongodb-n2:5002], passives=[], arbiters=[], primary='mongodb-n1:5001', tagSet=TagSet{[]}, electionId=7fffffff0000000000000018, setVersion=1, topologyVersion=TopologyVersion{processId=6020199741eeed4827b1b5e0, counter=6}, lastWriteDate=Sun Feb 07 12:38:10 EST 2021, lastUpdateTimeNanos=15072528441887} 2021-02-07 12:38:13.440 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.polarsparc.mongodb.MongodbApplication : Started MongodbApplication in 1.024 seconds (JVM running for 1.272) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.441 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.polarsparc.mongodb.MongodbApplication : Value of option: T 2021-02-07 12:38:13.441 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.polarsparc.mongodb.MongodbApplication : ---------- Running MongoDB operations using Template ---------- 2021-02-07 12:38:13.471 INFO 10966 --- [ main] org.mongodb.driver.connection : Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:3, serverValue:35}] to 2021-02-07 12:38:13.482 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : List all collections: [] 2021-02-07 12:38:13.482 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Adding document for Alice 2021-02-07 12:38:13.538 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : List all collections: [contacts] 2021-02-07 12:38:13.546 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Count of documents: 1 2021-02-07 12:38:13.546 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Querying all documents in contacts 2021-02-07 12:38:13.566 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=60202585737c2c36fe2bd727, firstName=Alice, middleName=null, lastName=Thompson, email=Email(personal=alice.t@home.io, work=alice.thompson@work.net), mobile=Mobile(personal=123 456 7890, work=null)) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.566 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Adding five new documents in contacts 2021-02-07 12:38:13.576 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Count of documents: 6 2021-02-07 12:38:13.577 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Querying all documents in contacts 2021-02-07 12:38:13.580 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=60202585737c2c36fe2bd727, firstName=Alice, middleName=null, lastName=Thompson, email=Email(personal=alice.t@home.io, work=alice.thompson@work.net), mobile=Mobile(personal=123 456 7890, work=null)) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.580 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=60202585737c2c36fe2bd728, firstName=Bob, middleName=null, lastName=Jones, email=Email(personal=null, work=bobj@doktor.net), mobile=Mobile(personal=null, work=234 567 8901)) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.580 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=60202585737c2c36fe2bd729, firstName=Charlie, middleName=null, lastName=Lee, email=Email(personal=cl3000@ranch.net, work=null), mobile=null) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.580 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=60202585737c2c36fe2bd72a, firstName=Eve, middleName=Jo, lastName=Parker, email=Email(personal=null, work=ej_parker@awesome.org), mobile=Mobile(personal=345 678 9012, work=null)) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.580 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=60202585737c2c36fe2bd72b, firstName=Frank, middleName=null, lastName=Smith, email=Email(personal=frank45@root.org, work=frank.smith@excellent.net), mobile=Mobile(personal=456 789 0123, work=567 890 1234)) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.580 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=60202585737c2c36fe2bd72c, firstName=Frank, middleName=null, lastName=Cooper, email=Email(personal=frankc@runner.org, work=null), mobile=null) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.580 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Querying documents by first: Bob 2021-02-07 12:38:13.594 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=60202585737c2c36fe2bd728, firstName=Bob, middleName=null, lastName=Jones, email=Email(personal=null, work=bobj@doktor.net), mobile=Mobile(personal=null, work=234 567 8901)) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.594 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Querying documents by first: Charlie, last: Lee 2021-02-07 12:38:13.600 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=60202585737c2c36fe2bd729, firstName=Charlie, middleName=null, lastName=Lee, email=Email(personal=cl3000@ranch.net, work=null), mobile=null) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.600 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Querying documents by first: Frank 2021-02-07 12:38:13.603 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=60202585737c2c36fe2bd72b, firstName=Frank, middleName=null, lastName=Smith, email=Email(personal=frank45@root.org, work=frank.smith@excellent.net), mobile=Mobile(personal=456 789 0123, work=567 890 1234)) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.603 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=60202585737c2c36fe2bd72c, firstName=Frank, middleName=null, lastName=Cooper, email=Email(personal=frankc@runner.org, work=null), mobile=null) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.603 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Querying documents by email.work: bobj@doktor.net 2021-02-07 12:38:13.608 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=60202585737c2c36fe2bd728, firstName=Bob, middleName=null, lastName=Jones, email=Email(personal=null, work=bobj@doktor.net), mobile=Mobile(personal=null, work=234 567 8901)) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.608 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Querying documents for first, last, mobile.personal 2021-02-07 12:38:13.612 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=null, firstName=Alice, middleName=null, lastName=Thompson, email=null, mobile=Mobile(personal=123 456 7890, work=null)) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.613 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=null, firstName=Bob, middleName=null, lastName=Jones, email=null, mobile=Mobile(personal=null, work=null)) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.613 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=null, firstName=Charlie, middleName=null, lastName=Lee, email=null, mobile=null) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.613 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=null, firstName=Eve, middleName=null, lastName=Parker, email=null, mobile=Mobile(personal=345 678 9012, work=null)) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.613 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=null, firstName=Frank, middleName=null, lastName=Smith, email=null, mobile=Mobile(personal=456 789 0123, work=null)) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.613 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=null, firstName=Frank, middleName=null, lastName=Cooper, email=null, mobile=null) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.613 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Querying documents for first, last, mobile.personal (with limit of 3) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.616 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=null, firstName=Alice, middleName=null, lastName=Thompson, email=null, mobile=Mobile(personal=123 456 7890, work=null)) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.616 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=null, firstName=Bob, middleName=null, lastName=Jones, email=null, mobile=Mobile(personal=null, work=null)) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.616 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=null, firstName=Charlie, middleName=null, lastName=Lee, email=null, mobile=null) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.616 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Updating document for Charlie [adding mobile] 2021-02-07 12:38:13.623 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Document for Charlie [after update] 2021-02-07 12:38:13.625 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=60202585737c2c36fe2bd729, firstName=Charlie, middleName=null, lastName=Lee, email=Email(personal=cl3000@ranch.net, work=null), mobile=Mobile(personal=678 901 2345, work=null)) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.625 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Upsert document for George in the collection contacts 2021-02-07 12:38:13.627 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Document for George [after upsert] 2021-02-07 12:38:13.629 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=60202585737c2c36fe2bd72d, firstName=George, middleName=null, lastName=Baker, email=Email(personal=null, work=g_baker@crap.org), mobile=Mobile(personal=null, work=789 012 3456)) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.629 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Removing document for Bob 2021-02-07 12:38:13.635 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Querying documents after delete of Bob 2021-02-07 12:38:13.638 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=60202585737c2c36fe2bd727, firstName=Alice, middleName=null, lastName=Thompson, email=Email(personal=alice.t@home.io, work=alice.thompson@work.net), mobile=Mobile(personal=123 456 7890, work=null)) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.638 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=60202585737c2c36fe2bd729, firstName=Charlie, middleName=null, lastName=Lee, email=Email(personal=cl3000@ranch.net, work=null), mobile=Mobile(personal=678 901 2345, work=null)) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.638 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=60202585737c2c36fe2bd72a, firstName=Eve, middleName=Jo, lastName=Parker, email=Email(personal=null, work=ej_parker@awesome.org), mobile=Mobile(personal=345 678 9012, work=null)) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.638 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=60202585737c2c36fe2bd72b, firstName=Frank, middleName=null, lastName=Smith, email=Email(personal=frank45@root.org, work=frank.smith@excellent.net), mobile=Mobile(personal=456 789 0123, work=567 890 1234)) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.638 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=60202585737c2c36fe2bd72c, firstName=Frank, middleName=null, lastName=Cooper, email=Email(personal=frankc@runner.org, work=null), mobile=null) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.638 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Contact(_id=60202585737c2c36fe2bd72d, firstName=George, middleName=null, lastName=Baker, email=Email(personal=null, work=g_baker@crap.org), mobile=Mobile(personal=null, work=789 012 3456)) 2021-02-07 12:38:13.639 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Removing all documents in contacts 2021-02-07 12:38:13.642 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Count of documents: 0 2021-02-07 12:38:13.642 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : Dropping contacts 2021-02-07 12:38:13.646 INFO 10966 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceOneImpl : List all collections: [] 2021-02-07 12:38:13.654 INFO 10966 --- [extShutdownHook] org.mongodb.driver.connection : Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:3, serverValue:35}] to because the pool has been closed. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 4.299 s [INFO] Finished at: 2021-02-07T12:38:13-05:00 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
AWESOME !!! We have successfully demonstrated the Spring Boot application using MongoTemplate as the approach to interacting with the MongoDB database.
Using MongoRepository
The following are the contents of the Java Repository interface called ContactsRepository.java which defines all the business domain level CRUD operations on the MongoDB collection contacts by extending the interface MongoRepository<Contact, String> and is located in the directory src/main/java/com/polarsparc/mongodb/repository:
/* @Author: Bhaskar S @Blog: https://www.polarsparc.com @Date: 06 Feb 2021 */ package com.polarsparc.mongodb.repository; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.data.mongodb.repository.MongoRepository; import org.springframework.data.mongodb.repository.Query; import com.polarsparc.mongodb.model.Contact; public interface ContactsRepository extends MongoRepository<Contact, String> { List<Contact> findByFirstName(String fn); List<Contact> findByFirstNameAndLastName(String fn, String ln); @Query("{ 'email.work' : ?0 }") List<Contact> findByWorkEmail(String we); @Query(value = "{}", fields = "{ 'first': 1, 'last': 1, 'mobile.personal': 1, '_id': 0 }") List<Contact> findFirstLastPersonalMobile(); }
The following are brief descriptions for some of the annotation(s)/class(es) used in the code segment above:
MongoRepository<pojo, primary-key> :: a Spring provided interface (that is implemented as a Java proxy at run-time) that defines all the basic CRUD operations to access the business domain entities stored in the MongoDB database without implementing too much boilerplate code. It takes two generic type parameters - one for the type of the POJO (business domain entity) and the other is the type of the primary key _id
@Query :: indicates how the database query needs to be constructed and what fields to include in the query result
The following are the contents of the Java class called ContactsServiceTwoImpl.java that uses the Java repository interface ContactsRepository (via auto-wired dependency injection), implements the Java interface ContactsService, and is located in the directory src/main/java/com/polarsparc/mongodb/service/impl:
/* @Author: Bhaskar S @Blog: https://www.polarsparc.com @Date: 06 Feb 2021 */ package com.polarsparc.mongodb.service.impl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import com.polarsparc.mongodb.model.Contact; import com.polarsparc.mongodb.util.ContactFactory; import com.polarsparc.mongodb.model.Mobile; import com.polarsparc.mongodb.repository.ContactsRepository; import com.polarsparc.mongodb.service.ContactsService; @Service("ContactsServiceTwo") public class ContactsServiceTwoImpl implements ContactsService { private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ContactsServiceTwoImpl.class.getName()); private ContactsRepository repository; @Autowired public void setRepository(ContactsRepository repository) { this.repository = repository; } @Override public void insertContactAndCheck() { LOGGER.info("Adding document for Alice"); repository.insert(ContactFactory.createAliceThompson()); LOGGER.info(String.format("Count of documents: %d", repository.count())); LOGGER.info("Querying all documents in contacts"); repository.findAll().forEach(c -> LOGGER.info(c.toString())); } @Override public void insertFiveContacts() { LOGGER.info("Adding five new documents in contacts"); repository.insert(ContactFactory.createBobJones()); repository.insert(ContactFactory.createCharlieLee()); List<Contact> contacts = new ArrayList<>(); contacts.add(ContactFactory.createEveParker()); contacts.add(ContactFactory.createFrankSmith()); contacts.add(ContactFactory.createFrankCooper()); repository.insert(contacts); LOGGER.info(String.format("Count of documents: %d", repository.count())); } @Override public void queryContacts() { LOGGER.info("Querying all documents in contacts"); repository.findAll().forEach(c -> LOGGER.info(c.toString())); LOGGER.info("Querying documents by first: Bob"); repository.findByFirstName("Bob").forEach(c -> LOGGER.info(c.toString())); LOGGER.info("Querying documents by first: Charlie, last: Lee"); repository.findByFirstNameAndLastName("Charlie", "Lee").forEach(c -> LOGGER.info(c.toString())); LOGGER.info("Querying documents by first: Frank"); repository.findByFirstName("Frank").forEach(c -> LOGGER.info(c.toString())); LOGGER.info("Querying documents by email.work: bobj@doktor.net"); repository.findByWorkEmail("bobj@doktor.net").forEach(c -> LOGGER.info(c.toString())); LOGGER.info("Querying documents for first, last, mobile.personal"); repository.findFirstLastPersonalMobile().forEach(c -> LOGGER.info(c.toString())); } @Override public void updateContacts() { LOGGER.info("Updating document for Charlie [adding mobile]"); List<Contact> list = repository.findByFirstName("Charlie"); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { Mobile mobile = new Mobile(); mobile.setPersonal("678 901 2345"); Contact contact = list.get(0); contact.setMobile(mobile); repository.save(contact); } LOGGER.info("Querying documents by first: Charlie [after update]"); repository.findByFirstName("Charlie").forEach(c -> LOGGER.info(c.toString())); LOGGER.info("Upsert document for George in the collection contacts"); repository.save(ContactFactory.createGeorgeBaker()); LOGGER.info("Document for George [after upsert]"); repository.findByFirstName("George").forEach(c -> LOGGER.info(c.toString())); } @Override public void removeAndDropContacts() { LOGGER.info("Removing document for Bob"); List<Contact> list = repository.findByFirstName("Bob"); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { repository.delete(list.get(0)); } LOGGER.info("Querying documents after delete of first: Bob"); repository.findAll().forEach(c -> LOGGER.info(c.toString())); LOGGER.info("Removing all documents in contacts"); repository.deleteAll(); LOGGER.info(String.format("Count of documents: %d", repository.count())); } }
As is evident from the code segment above, there are no low-level database primitives to list the collections of the database or drop a collection, etc. It is more focused on the business domain level CRUD operations.
The following are the contents of the enhanced version of the Spring Boot application program called MongodbApplication.java that incorporates using both the MongoTemplate and the MongoReposity based on the command-line option mongo.run.option:
/* @Author: Bhaskar S @Blog: https://www.polarsparc.com @Date: 06 Feb 2021 */ package com.polarsparc.mongodb; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner; import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication; import org.springframework.data.mongodb.repository.config.EnableMongoRepositories; import com.polarsparc.mongodb.repository.ContactsRepository; import com.polarsparc.mongodb.service.ContactsService; @SpringBootApplication @EnableMongoRepositories(basePackageClasses = ContactsRepository.class) public class MongodbApplication implements CommandLineRunner { private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MongodbApplication.class.getName()); private ContactsService serviceOne; private ContactsService serviceTwo; @Autowired public void setServiceOne(@Qualifier("ContactsServiceOne") ContactsService serviceOne) { this.serviceOne = serviceOne; } @Autowired public void setServiceTwo(@Qualifier("ContactsServiceTwo") ContactsService serviceTwo) { this.serviceTwo = serviceTwo; } @Value("${mongo.run.option}") private String option; public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(MongodbApplication.class, args); } @Override public void run(String... strings) { LOGGER.info(String.format("Value of option: %s", option)); if (option.equals("T")) { runOptionOne(); } if (option.equals("R")) { runOptionTwo(); } } void runOptionOne() { LOGGER.info("---------- Running MongoDB operations using Template ----------"); serviceOne.insertContactAndCheck(); serviceOne.insertFiveContacts(); serviceOne.queryContacts(); serviceOne.updateContacts(); serviceOne.removeAndDropContacts(); } void runOptionTwo() { LOGGER.info("---------- Running MongoDB operations using Repository ----------"); serviceTwo.insertContactAndCheck(); serviceTwo.insertFiveContacts(); serviceTwo.queryContacts(); serviceTwo.updateContacts(); serviceTwo.removeAndDropContacts(); } }
Ensure the MongoDB cluster is up and running and mongodb-n1 is the primary. Open a terminal window and execute the following commands:
$ cd $HOME/java/springboot/mongodb
$ mvn spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.arguments="--mongo.run.option=R"
The following will be the typical output:
2021-02-07 13:47:41.568 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.polarsparc.mongodb.MongodbApplication : Starting MongodbApplication using Java 15.0.2 on polarsparc with PID 16379 (/home/polarsparc/java/springboot/mongodb/target/classes started by polarsparc in /home/polarsparc/java/springboot/mongodb) 2021-02-07 13:47:41.570 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.polarsparc.mongodb.MongodbApplication : No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default 2021-02-07 13:47:41.803 INFO 16379 --- [ main] .s.d.r.c.RepositoryConfigurationDelegate : Bootstrapping Spring Data MongoDB repositories in DEFAULT mode. 2021-02-07 13:47:41.831 INFO 16379 --- [ main] .s.d.r.c.RepositoryConfigurationDelegate : Finished Spring Data repository scanning in 25 ms. Found 1 MongoDB repository interfaces. 2021-02-07 13:47:42.025 INFO 16379 --- [ main] org.mongodb.driver.cluster : Cluster created with settings {hosts=[], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms'} 2021-02-07 13:47:42.073 INFO 16379 --- [] org.mongodb.driver.connection : Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:2, serverValue:37}] to 2021-02-07 13:47:42.073 INFO 16379 --- [] org.mongodb.driver.connection : Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:1, serverValue:38}] to 2021-02-07 13:47:42.076 INFO 16379 --- [] org.mongodb.driver.cluster : Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=, type=REPLICA_SET_PRIMARY, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=9, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=30, roundTripTimeNanos=13748908, setName='mongodb-rs', canonicalAddress=mongodb-n1:5001, hosts=[mongodb-n3:5003, mongodb-n1:5001, mongodb-n2:5002], passives=[], arbiters=[], primary='mongodb-n1:5001', tagSet=TagSet{[]}, electionId=7fffffff0000000000000018, setVersion=1, topologyVersion=TopologyVersion{processId=6020199741eeed4827b1b5e0, counter=6}, lastWriteDate=Sun Feb 07 13:47:40 EST 2021, lastUpdateTimeNanos=19241405552538} 2021-02-07 13:47:42.312 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.polarsparc.mongodb.MongodbApplication : Started MongodbApplication in 1.018 seconds (JVM running for 1.28) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.313 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.polarsparc.mongodb.MongodbApplication : Value of option: R 2021-02-07 13:47:42.313 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.polarsparc.mongodb.MongodbApplication : ---------- Running MongoDB operations using Repository ---------- 2021-02-07 13:47:42.313 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Adding document for Alice 2021-02-07 13:47:42.358 INFO 16379 --- [ main] org.mongodb.driver.connection : Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:3, serverValue:39}] to 2021-02-07 13:47:42.400 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Count of documents: 1 2021-02-07 13:47:42.400 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Querying all documents in contacts 2021-02-07 13:47:42.422 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=602035cebdcc321c5affdba7, firstName=Alice, middleName=null, lastName=Thompson, email=Email(personal=alice.t@home.io, work=alice.thompson@work.net), mobile=Mobile(personal=123 456 7890, work=null)) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.422 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Adding five new documents in contacts 2021-02-07 13:47:42.433 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Count of documents: 6 2021-02-07 13:47:42.433 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Querying all documents in contacts 2021-02-07 13:47:42.436 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=602035cebdcc321c5affdba7, firstName=Alice, middleName=null, lastName=Thompson, email=Email(personal=alice.t@home.io, work=alice.thompson@work.net), mobile=Mobile(personal=123 456 7890, work=null)) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.436 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=602035cebdcc321c5affdba8, firstName=Bob, middleName=null, lastName=Jones, email=Email(personal=null, work=bobj@doktor.net), mobile=Mobile(personal=null, work=234 567 8901)) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.437 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=602035cebdcc321c5affdba9, firstName=Charlie, middleName=null, lastName=Lee, email=Email(personal=cl3000@ranch.net, work=null), mobile=null) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.437 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=602035cebdcc321c5affdbaa, firstName=Eve, middleName=Jo, lastName=Parker, email=Email(personal=null, work=ej_parker@awesome.org), mobile=Mobile(personal=345 678 9012, work=null)) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.437 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=602035cebdcc321c5affdbab, firstName=Frank, middleName=null, lastName=Smith, email=Email(personal=frank45@root.org, work=frank.smith@excellent.net), mobile=Mobile(personal=456 789 0123, work=567 890 1234)) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.437 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=602035cebdcc321c5affdbac, firstName=Frank, middleName=null, lastName=Cooper, email=Email(personal=frankc@runner.org, work=null), mobile=null) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.437 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Querying documents by first: Bob 2021-02-07 13:47:42.461 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=602035cebdcc321c5affdba8, firstName=Bob, middleName=null, lastName=Jones, email=Email(personal=null, work=bobj@doktor.net), mobile=Mobile(personal=null, work=234 567 8901)) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.461 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Querying documents by first: Charlie, last: Lee 2021-02-07 13:47:42.464 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=602035cebdcc321c5affdba9, firstName=Charlie, middleName=null, lastName=Lee, email=Email(personal=cl3000@ranch.net, work=null), mobile=null) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.464 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Querying documents by first: Frank 2021-02-07 13:47:42.471 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=602035cebdcc321c5affdbab, firstName=Frank, middleName=null, lastName=Smith, email=Email(personal=frank45@root.org, work=frank.smith@excellent.net), mobile=Mobile(personal=456 789 0123, work=567 890 1234)) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.471 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=602035cebdcc321c5affdbac, firstName=Frank, middleName=null, lastName=Cooper, email=Email(personal=frankc@runner.org, work=null), mobile=null) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.471 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Querying documents by email.work: bobj@doktor.net 2021-02-07 13:47:42.485 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=602035cebdcc321c5affdba8, firstName=Bob, middleName=null, lastName=Jones, email=Email(personal=null, work=bobj@doktor.net), mobile=Mobile(personal=null, work=234 567 8901)) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.485 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Querying documents for first, last, mobile.personal 2021-02-07 13:47:42.491 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=null, firstName=Alice, middleName=null, lastName=Thompson, email=null, mobile=Mobile(personal=123 456 7890, work=null)) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.491 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=null, firstName=Bob, middleName=null, lastName=Jones, email=null, mobile=Mobile(personal=null, work=null)) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.491 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=null, firstName=Charlie, middleName=null, lastName=Lee, email=null, mobile=null) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.491 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=null, firstName=Eve, middleName=null, lastName=Parker, email=null, mobile=Mobile(personal=345 678 9012, work=null)) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.491 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=null, firstName=Frank, middleName=null, lastName=Smith, email=null, mobile=Mobile(personal=456 789 0123, work=null)) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.491 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=null, firstName=Frank, middleName=null, lastName=Cooper, email=null, mobile=null) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.491 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Updating document for Charlie [adding mobile] 2021-02-07 13:47:42.498 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Querying documents by first: Charlie [after update] 2021-02-07 13:47:42.500 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=602035cebdcc321c5affdba9, firstName=Charlie, middleName=null, lastName=Lee, email=Email(personal=cl3000@ranch.net, work=null), mobile=Mobile(personal=678 901 2345, work=null)) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.500 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Upsert document for George in the collection contacts 2021-02-07 13:47:42.502 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Document for George [after upsert] 2021-02-07 13:47:42.504 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=602035cebdcc321c5affdbad, firstName=George, middleName=null, lastName=Baker, email=Email(personal=null, work=g_baker@crap.org), mobile=Mobile(personal=null, work=789 012 3456)) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.505 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Removing document for Bob 2021-02-07 13:47:42.512 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Querying documents after delete of first: Bob 2021-02-07 13:47:42.515 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=602035cebdcc321c5affdba7, firstName=Alice, middleName=null, lastName=Thompson, email=Email(personal=alice.t@home.io, work=alice.thompson@work.net), mobile=Mobile(personal=123 456 7890, work=null)) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.515 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=602035cebdcc321c5affdba9, firstName=Charlie, middleName=null, lastName=Lee, email=Email(personal=cl3000@ranch.net, work=null), mobile=Mobile(personal=678 901 2345, work=null)) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.516 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=602035cebdcc321c5affdbaa, firstName=Eve, middleName=Jo, lastName=Parker, email=Email(personal=null, work=ej_parker@awesome.org), mobile=Mobile(personal=345 678 9012, work=null)) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.516 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=602035cebdcc321c5affdbab, firstName=Frank, middleName=null, lastName=Smith, email=Email(personal=frank45@root.org, work=frank.smith@excellent.net), mobile=Mobile(personal=456 789 0123, work=567 890 1234)) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.516 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=602035cebdcc321c5affdbac, firstName=Frank, middleName=null, lastName=Cooper, email=Email(personal=frankc@runner.org, work=null), mobile=null) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.516 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Contact(_id=602035cebdcc321c5affdbad, firstName=George, middleName=null, lastName=Baker, email=Email(personal=null, work=g_baker@crap.org), mobile=Mobile(personal=null, work=789 012 3456)) 2021-02-07 13:47:42.516 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Removing all documents in contacts 2021-02-07 13:47:42.520 INFO 16379 --- [ main] c.p.m.s.impl.ContactsServiceTwoImpl : Count of documents: 0 2021-02-07 13:47:42.528 INFO 16379 --- [extShutdownHook] org.mongodb.driver.connection : Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:3, serverValue:39}] to because the pool has been closed. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 4.253 s [INFO] Finished at: 2021-02-07T13:47:42-05:00 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
WALLA !!! We have successfully demonstrated the Spring Boot application using MongoRepository as the approach to interacting with the MongoDB database.