Quick Tour of RabbitMQ - Part 3
Bhaskar S | 11/19/2017 |
Continuing from Part-2 of this series, we will demonstrate the Topic Exchange type in this final part of the series.
Hands-on with RabbitMQ using Java
A Topic Exchange routes messages to Queue(s) based on some Routing Key pattern match. Consumer(s) bind to a Topic Exchange specifying a wildcard pattern for the Routing Key. A wildcard pattern can be formed using a list of one or more words plus the charaters '*' (asterisk) or '#' (hash), each separated by a '.' (period).
The wildcard character '*' (asterisk) matches a word at the specified position in the Routing Key, while the wildcard character '#' (hash) matches zero or more words.
For example, the Routing Key wildcard pattern deal.tech.* will match the Routing Keys 'deal.tech.mobile' or 'deal.tech.laptop' but not 'deal' or 'deal.tech'. On the other hand, the Routing Key wildcard pattern deal.# will match the Routing Keys 'deal', 'deal.tech', 'deal.furniture', 'deal.tech.mobile', etc.
The following picture illustrates the high level view of the Topic Exchange:
Now, to demonstrate the hypothetical deals alerting system with a deals alerter (publisher) and two consumers - one for all deals and the other for tech deals, we will implement the publisher and consumer classes DealAlerter and DealListener.
The following is the common class that captures and exposes some constants:
The following is the code for the publisher of the deal alert messages:
The following is the code for the consumer that will receive specific deal alert messages based on the wildcard Routing Key pattern:
Now, for the demostration of messaging using Topic Exchange, open three terminal windows. Lets refer to them as the publisher, consumer-all, and consumer-tech respectively.
In the consumer-all terminal, execute the following command:
java -cp ./build/classes:./lib/amqp-client-5.0.0.jar:./lib/slf4j-api-1.7.25.jar:./lib/slf4j-simple-1.7.25.jar com.polarsparc.rabbitmq.topic.DealListener rabbitusr s3cr3t all
The following should be the typical output:
Nov 19, 2017 3:38:35 PM com.polarsparc.rabbitmq.topic.DealListener main INFO: Ready to create communication channel for all Nov 19, 2017 3:38:35 PM com.polarsparc.rabbitmq.topic.DealListener main INFO: Ready to create a topic exchange deals Nov 19, 2017 3:38:35 PM com.polarsparc.rabbitmq.topic.DealListener main INFO: Ready to bind the queue all to exchange deals with routing key deal.# Nov 19, 2017 3:38:35 PM com.polarsparc.rabbitmq.topic.DealListener main INFO: Ready to create a consumer for all Nov 19, 2017 3:38:35 PM com.polarsparc.rabbitmq.topic.DealListener main INFO: Ready to consume test deal alert messages for deal.#
In the consumer-tech terminal, execute the following command:
java -cp ./build/classes:./lib/amqp-client-5.0.0.jar:./lib/slf4j-api-1.7.25.jar:./lib/slf4j-simple-1.7.25.jar com.polarsparc.rabbitmq.topic.DealListener rabbitusr s3cr3t tech
The following should be the typical output:
Nov 19, 2017 3:39:12 PM com.polarsparc.rabbitmq.topic.DealListener main INFO: Ready to create communication channel for tech Nov 19, 2017 3:39:12 PM com.polarsparc.rabbitmq.topic.DealListener main INFO: Ready to create a topic exchange deals Nov 19, 2017 3:39:12 PM com.polarsparc.rabbitmq.topic.DealListener main INFO: Ready to bind the queue tech to exchange deals with routing key deal.tech.* Nov 19, 2017 3:39:12 PM com.polarsparc.rabbitmq.topic.DealListener main INFO: Ready to create a consumer for tech Nov 19, 2017 3:39:12 PM com.polarsparc.rabbitmq.topic.DealListener main INFO: Ready to consume test deal alert messages for deal.tech.*
In the publisher terminal, execute the following command:
java -cp ./build/classes:./lib/amqp-client-5.0.0.jar:./lib/slf4j-api-1.7.25.jar:./lib/slf4j-simple-1.7.25.jar com.polarsparc.rabbitmq.topic.DealAlerter rabbitusr s3cr3t
The following should be the typical output:
Nov 19, 2017 3:41:12 PM com.polarsparc.rabbitmq.topic.DealAlerter main INFO: Ready to create a communication channel ... Nov 19, 2017 3:41:12 PM com.polarsparc.rabbitmq.topic.DealAlerter main INFO: Ready to create a topic exchange deals Nov 19, 2017 3:41:12 PM com.polarsparc.rabbitmq.topic.DealAlerter main INFO: Ready to publish test deal alert messages Nov 19, 2017 3:41:12 PM com.polarsparc.rabbitmq.topic.DealAlerter main INFO: Ready to close the communication channel Nov 19, 2017 3:41:12 PM com.polarsparc.rabbitmq.topic.DealAlerter main INFO: Deal alerts processing done !!!
In the consumer-all terminal, we should see the following messages pop-up:
Nov 19, 2017 3:41:12 PM com.polarsparc.rabbitmq.topic.DealListener$1 handleDelivery INFO: Received deal alert message (body): deal.tech.mobile,iPhone 8 64GB,699.99,T-Mobile Nov 19, 2017 3:41:12 PM com.polarsparc.rabbitmq.topic.DealListener$1 handleDelivery INFO: Received deal alert message (body): deal.tech.laptop,Dell 15.6 i7 16GB,899.99,Best Buy Nov 19, 2017 3:41:12 PM com.polarsparc.rabbitmq.topic.DealListener$1 handleDelivery INFO: Received deal alert message (body): deal.furniture.desk,Bush Computer Desk,249.99,Amazon Nov 19, 2017 3:41:12 PM com.polarsparc.rabbitmq.topic.DealListener$1 handleDelivery INFO: Received deal alert message (body): deal.airfare,Round-trip NY JFK,79.99,CheapAir
In the consumer-tech terminal, we should see the following messages pop-up:
Nov 19, 2017 3:41:12 PM com.polarsparc.rabbitmq.topic.DealListener$1 handleDelivery INFO: Received deal alert message (body): deal.tech.mobile,iPhone 8 64GB,699.99,T-Mobile Nov 19, 2017 3:41:12 PM com.polarsparc.rabbitmq.topic.DealListener$1 handleDelivery INFO: Received deal alert message (body): deal.tech.laptop,Dell 15.6 i7 16GB,899.99,Best Buy
From the consumer-all terminal, we infer that the DealListener consumer received all the deal alert messages that were published by the DealAlerter.
From the consumer-tech terminal, we infer that the DealListener consumer received *ONLY* the tech deal alert messages that were published by the DealAlerter.
We have successfully demonstrated RabbitMQ messaging using the Topic Exchange !!!