In this article, we will explore the use of the following multi-thread
synchronization aids in Java:
All these synchronization classes are defined in the Java package java.util.concurrent.
For our code samples, we will consider a hypothetical Debit Processing
System with 3 services - an Authentication Service to verify a card
number and pin, an Account Balance Service to verify if there is enough
money in the account for the debit transaction, and a Fraud Service to
check for fraud activity.
So without further ado, lets get started !!!
When we start-up our Debit Processing System, we can initialize and
setup each of the 3 services in a serial fashion, one after the other.
This can delay the start-up time. The other approach is to initialize
and setup the services in parallel threads. For this we need to ensure
we do not begin processing any debit transactions until all the 3
services are initialized and setup. This is a one-time synchronization
that needs to happen at start-up. This is where the CountDownLatch
synchronization mechanism comes in handy.
A CountDownLatch allows one Thread
to wait for the other Threads to complete
some action(s).
A CountDownLatch is initialized with an
integer count which represents the number of Threads
to wait for.
The Thread that needs to wait will invoke
the await() method.
Each of the Threads performing some
action(s) will invoke the countDown()
method to signal the completion of some action(s).
Each instance of CountDownLatch object is
good for one-time use.
The following is the example that demonstrates the use of the
synchronization mechanism CountDownLatch:
Executing the program will generate the following output:
Initialization started ...
Initializing authentication service ...
Initializing account balance service ...
Initializing fraud service ...
Authentication service ready !!!
Account balance service ready !!!
Fraud service ready !!!
Initialization completed !!!
Now that our Debit Processing System is up and running, we will start
processing debit transactions. Each debit transaction involves 3 steps -
authentication, balance verification, and fraud verification. We can
process these steps in a serial fashion, one after the other. This will
reduce the processing throughput. The other approach is to process the 3
steps in parallel threads. For this we need to ensure that the main
processing thread waits for the 3 steps to complete. Debit transaction
processing is not a one-time synchronization operation. This is where
the CyclicBarrier synchronization mechanism
comes in handy.
A CyclicBarrier allows one or more Threads
to wait for the other Threads in the set to
arrive at a common synchronization point called the barrier point.
A CyclicBarrier is initialized with an
integer count which represents the fixed number of Threads
in the set.
Each of the Threads will invoke the await()
method which will block and wait for the other Threads
in the set to arrive at the barrier point.
Each instance of CyclicBarrier object is
cyclic as they can be re-used again once all the Threads
in the set have crossed the barrier point.
The following is the example that demonstrates the use of the
synchronization mechanism CyclicBarrier:
Executing the program will generate the following output:
Transaction processing started for 1234-5678-9000-1111
Ready to perform authentication check for 1234-5678-9000-1111
Ready to perform fraud check on 1234-5678-9000-1111 for amount 1500.99
Ready to perform balance check on 1234-5678-9000-1111 for amount 1500.99
Completed fraud check on 1234-5678-9000-1111 for amount 1500.99
Completed balance check for 1234-5678-9000-1111 for amount 1500.99
Completed authentication check for 1234-5678-9000-1111
Transaction processing completed for 1234-5678-9000-1111
Transaction processing started for 1234-5678-9000-2222
Ready to perform authentication check for 1234-5678-9000-2222
Ready to perform balance check on 1234-5678-9000-2222 for amount 1249.99
Ready to perform fraud check on 1234-5678-9000-2222 for amount 1249.99
Completed fraud check on 1234-5678-9000-2222 for amount 1249.99
Completed balance check for 1234-5678-9000-2222 for amount 1249.99
Completed authentication check for 1234-5678-9000-2222
Transaction processing completed for 1234-5678-9000-2222
A Phaser is similar to a CyclicBarrier
except that it is more flexible and dynamic in terms of usage. With
either the CountDownLatch or the CyclicBarrier
one needs to specify the count of threads involved in the
synchronization. With the Phaser, the number
of threads can be dynamic and vary with time.
A Phaser allows one or more Threads
to wait for the other Threads in the set to
arrive at a common synchronization point called a phase.
To participate in the synchronization, a Thread (also referred to as a party)
has to invoke the register() method on
an instance of Phaser.
A Thread will invoke the arriveAndAwaitAdvance()
method to block and wait for the other Threads (or parties)
in the set to arrive at the barrier point.
A Thread will invoke the arriveAndDeregister()
method to signal that it has arrived at the barrier point (without waiting for others) and also
deregister from an instance of the Phaser.
Like the CyclicBarrier, an instance of the Phaser object can be re-used again once all the Threads in the set have crossed the barrier point.
Invoking the method getPhase(), returns the current phase.
Invoking the method getRegisteredParties(), returns the current count of Threads (or parties)
registered with the Phaser.
The following is the example that demonstrates the use of the
synchronization mechanism Phaser:
Executing the program will generate the following output:
Current phase 0, Registered threads 0 (begin)
Current phase 0, Registered threads 1 (main)
Transaction processing started for 1234-5678-9000-1111
Current phase 0, Registered threads 2 (ac-begin)
[Phase: 0] Ready to perform authentication check for 1234-5678-9000-1111
Current phase 0, Registered threads 3 (bc-begin)
[Phase: 0] Ready to perform balance check on 1234-5678-9000-1111 for amount 1500.99
Current phase 0, Registered threads 4 (fc-begin)
[Phase: 0] Ready to perform fraud check on 1234-5678-9000-1111 for amount 1500.99
[Phase: 0] Completed fraud check on 1234-5678-9000-1111 for amount 1500.99
Current phase 0, Registered threads 3 (fc-end)
[Phase: 0] Completed balance check for 1234-5678-9000-1111 for amount 1500.99
Current phase 0, Registered threads 2 (bc-end)
[Phase: 0] Completed authentication check for 1234-5678-9000-1111
Current phase 1, Registered threads 1 (ac-end)
Transaction processing completed for 1234-5678-9000-1111
Current phase 1, Registered threads 1 (end)
Current phase 1, Registered threads 1 (begin)
Current phase 1, Registered threads 2 (main)
Transaction processing started for 1234-5678-9000-2222
Current phase 1, Registered threads 3 (bc-begin)
[Phase: 1] Ready to perform balance check on 1234-5678-9000-2222 for amount 1249.99
Current phase 1, Registered threads 5 (fc-begin)
[Phase: 1] Ready to perform fraud check on 1234-5678-9000-2222 for amount 1249.99
Current phase 1, Registered threads 4 (ac-begin)
[Phase: 1] Ready to perform authentication check for 1234-5678-9000-2222
[Phase: 1] Completed fraud check on 1234-5678-9000-2222 for amount 1249.99
Current phase 1, Registered threads 4 (fc-end)
[Phase: 1] Completed balance check for 1234-5678-9000-2222 for amount 1249.99
Current phase 1, Registered threads 3 (bc-end)
[Phase: 1] Completed authentication check for 1234-5678-9000-2222
Current phase 1, Registered threads 2 (ac-end)